U-Netted Nations™

It's about time… to take INDIVIDUAL responsibility for our MUTUAL benefit..

Archive for the ‘Obama’ Category

S.T.O.P. (see the obvious problem?)

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Innovation is driven by a pressing need or a problem or an opportunity – and someone else may offer an insight or an answer.  The obvious problem is “What’s the Question”.

If that statement sounds a little unclear, consider this video about “STOP” signage:

WHAT’s The POINT? {{–video

Like so many misplaced initiatives, this obvious example hallmarks the way our good intentions can create unintended consequences. Whatever our goal. it is usually our desire to somehow stop the nonsense – and replace it with common sense.

Too often we find ourselves engaged in mere “change” that only results in even more non-sense.

Much of what we “hope” for in process improvement and innovation results in another problem – in terms of the process by which the original issue is first analyzed and then addressed.

In our haste to find a solution we are often beguiled to just take action, any action, on any one of many symptoms – only to create even more symptoms, non-sense.  The urge to accommodate those coming from other countries can obliterate the unique identity of the country that benevolently intends to assimilate them, non-sense. The urgency to save the shoreline may encourage us to move our activities off-shore – to drill for oil at depths and distances that prevent us from safely managing the process that then fails – and then threaten the very shoreline from which we retreated earlier, non-sense.

The list goes on and on and you have your own opinions about local examples of failing to act within a more expansive (or even global) context. Actions taken within any isolated viewpoint will predictably impact those outside of that limited field of view.  Again, it is obvious that our viewpoint must acknowledge the perspective of everyone else that has a viewpoint – all stakeholders – and even those that may only be surprised by the results…. of our implementing some totally unexpected  non-sense.

Transparency requires equitable representation

– and accountability requires equitable benefits.

Obviously, we need a methodical approach and a consistent way to find answers.  We need a process from which those consistent answers can be equitably (re-)produced.

Obviously we may not have FOUND the right questions…

– or perhaps we just have not USED them…(?)

The challenge is to S.T.O.P. (see through others’ problems) before suggesting alternatives.  Obviously there is a key question – or more likely a series of questions – to help us ALL get to the root cause of the real issues – that we ALL desire to solve.

Once we find the “best questions” – we can realistically expect the best answers.

Until then or even when we do – the next question may be:

“Will we agree to use them..?”

The answer to that question will be obvious!


What’s NEXT with YOU
– care to comment…?
– dare to COOPERATE?

Let us know what part you want to enjoy – with us!!

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NOTE: While this website is my personal initiative, the ASK4™ approach is a participant-managed collaboration platform and the U-Netted Nations™ is the result of our ‘Collaboration On Purpose’. My voice becomes one in a million – immediately.

Past – Present – Future – – –

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Learn from the PAST – Adapt to the PRESENT – Envision the FUTURE

That is what happens in every generation – with or without any real progress – until the “next” generation posts its manifesto of wanted change on the wall of history. The real change that has occurred is that pundits are posting those ‘mandates’ in real time, 24,7.

You can now search the web and find an unlimited supply of “now-new” ideas and good intentions and upstart initiatives that want to create that change. They all want to enroll us in their vision of the future, cleaning up from the past, and stepping into their global change effort. Many even have a plan and a time-line. They are empowered to publish, connected to converse, and positioned to compete. “But” what they don’t have is a ‘clearinghouse’ or coordination, “because” they are not yet interoperable or cooperative.

  • How have we so ‘successfully’ re-created digital stove-pipes, globally?
  • What is the carbon footprint of all that duplication of those environmental and ‘reductionists’ efforts – why are there so many efficiency initiatives ?
  • Why is our process still broken – and why do our results mirror only repeated frustration?
learn from past?

learn from past?

“Because” we have not entirely learned from the past  or adapted the tools of the present, we may NOT be creating the future we envision or desire – or so critically need to even survive.

Worse yet, we may be rushing to re-create the very same things that we want to escape from our past, just like countless generations before us. Our abhorrence of the past entices us to create the possibility of the future without regard for the limits of the present circumstance that we may then inadvertently re-create. The agreed urgency to change from the past can ensnare those who react to the emotion of the present to avoid the prediction of pending doom in the near future. We are willing to give (present) credit to those who hope to reduce the footprint of our errors, even if what they do may be found to actually be worse in total impact (future). Nobel prizes may await those pundits who can manifest the best version of this questionable call-to-action formula, literally!

But when is all is said and done, there is just a lot more said… and little if any done that creates sustainable change. Worse yet it can trumpet those bad ideas from one-to-one-millions to speed their acceptance and then aggregate those errors for deployment across the communities represented in all those threaded discussions. Our hope in a new promise enrolls us in a well-intentioned vote.  B_u_t “politics as usual” soon surfaces b_e_c_a_u_s_e  our ‘new’ process does not transparently identify and then accountability exclude our past mistakes. So many good intentions, so little to show for it, so sad.

If we want change so badly:

  • why do we make wrong choices
  • why do we passively accept status quo
  • why don’t we define meaningful improvements
  • why don’t we implement truly sustainable solutions

Here is a basic truth – we individually and collectively do it “because”.  We hang on to some element of erroneous belief that passes for an excuse (our individual and group-think rationale for irrational behavior). The emperor’s new clothes are always a poor fashion statement – the audacity of transparent hypocrisy is always  unbecoming, just “‘because”…

So if we are to escape the bounds of our self-imposed gravity, the first step for man – on behalf of all mankind, is to get off our “BUTS” (those bastions of defensive opinions) and trade in our effort-guzzling clunker-thinking rationale (“because”) for the logical and objective results of root cause analysis.

We must first integrate and then cooperate in

  • finding collective insight (from PAST lessons)
  • coming to collective consensus (about the PRESENT)
  • coordinating collective actions so we can minimize the effort in
  • creating sustainable outcomes (for our mutually-beneficial FUTURE).

And one more thing, we will all have to be actively engaged in the equitable representation of that self-governed process in order to enjoy an equitable remuneration share of its co-operative innovation economy. “WE the PEOPLE” is about “OUR government” –

“BUT”, until “we” get to the root cause,

“we” may just suffer more of the same old stuff,

generations to come – “Because”…

repeated mis-steps?

What’s NEXT with YOU – care to comment…?
– dare to COOPERATE?

Let us know what part you want to enjoy – with us!!

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NOTE: While this website is my personal initiative, the ASK4™ approach is a participant-managed collaboration platform and the U-Netted Nations™ is the result of our ‘Collaboration On Purpose’. My voice becomes one in a million – immediately.

Blueprint – Roadmap – GPS

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picture-25Where are we now – where are we going – how can we get there?

Few would argue that this equation defines our circumstance, echoes our desires, and determines our destination (and results). We are reminded by the wise that: “If we don’t know where we are going – we could end up somewhere else” – “If we can’t say what we want – don’t be surprised by what we get” –  and numerous other truisms.

Now imagine that these concepts were not ‘true’, or known, or were not heeded. We would have folks taking off in the wrong directions, making the wrong turns along the way, and ending up facing the wrong way on one-way streets by repeating the errors of prior travelers.

We would probably be seeing

exactly what we ARE seeing, everywhere, everyday.

Are we there yet? – YES!  Is that where we thought we were headed? – NO!

How can we get back to where we started – before we got so tired, so lost, so hopeless? How did we end up here when we had such good intentions?

Why can’t our relationships work,

our citizens and communities thrive,

our nations live in peace, our planet survive?

You probably have an answer. And you probably have an answer. And you probably have an answer too (get it?). That’s the problem – and the answer – to how we all got somewhere “else”.

We ALL got here “because” (of someone’s brilliant suggestions) …and now we need to get back home to ‘reality’ by everyone’s quiet “introspection” – and a cooperative search for new directions and solutions.

Why can’t individuals agree? – “because”! Why don’t relationships work? – “because”! Why can’t communities thrive? – “because”!  Why can’t nations agree? – “because”! – simply ‘because’.

What’s the problem with ALL of these issues – “root cause”.  What did I ask to be able to know that? – exactly! (I asked “what”, and then why and how and who,,). The answer is in the question – and using the right question guarantees the right solution. Asking will not only lead us to an answer, it will uncover other hidden problems in route. We aren’t looking for the roadside parks of paralysis analysis. Rather, we seek  the Visitor Centers of information that direct us away from tourist traps and toward worthy landmarks and economic services.

And there’s one more thing, we aren’t looking for the blueprint of how the road WAS built. We are at least looking for a recent roadmap – better yet, a real-time GPS. If a recent flood just washed out the bridge to our  future – we need to go another route. If the survey party is now planning the new tollway to go completely out of the way in order for us to stop at all their gas stations, then we may not want to pay that toll in our future travels.

I want to know from each recent traveler how the weather and road conditions are right now. I also want to know not to turn left according to some information that has already caused other travelers to end up off the road and in the ditch.picture-27

I don’t know about you, but I think it might help – before we go any further, if:

  • I  heard back about your trip and  what I face ahead
  • we all knew about where we are now, and trying to go next
  • we knew about those directing us, or whether they have a ‘safe’ record
  • we considered our alternate routes, and where else we might end up
  • we avoid buying another old map – that is now out-of-date – “because”.

So next time you “set out” to plan a get together, start or run a business, lead a community event, charter a national initiative, solve a regional ‘crisis’, or champion a well-intentioned cause that “hopes” to create ‘world peace’, perhaps you will want to take a moment to ask a few questions, map a viable path, listen to the feedback from others, and avoid the dead ends and tourist traps.  And maybe you will be more wary of anyone telling you that:

you can only buy that kind of  gas HERE, and

–  We ALL Have to get going… NOW

Want real cooperation, progress, CHANGE ? – Dare to ASK4™ it…?

What’s about YOU?

– care to comment?

– dare to COOPERATE?

NOTE: While this website is my personal initiative, the ASK4™ approach is a participant-managed collaboration platform and the U-Netted Nations™ is the result of our ‘Collaboration On Purpose’. My voice becomes one in a million – immediately.




“Change-its” (lil’ bits of progress)

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Who Me?

Who Me?

‘Experts’ tell us that some issues are beyond the mental reach of the ‘rest of us mere mortals’.  That opens the door for ‘some others’ to act in our stead – and perhaps against our best interests. Even those ‘in-the-know’ really know that every global issue is comprised of regional and local and group-think issues – and that the root cause of it all goes ‘all the way to the bone’ (of individual thinking).

More respectful leaders of ‘change’ like Rosabeth Moss Kanter invite all of us to realize that “When everyone else suffers from over-complexity, there is a market for products and services that simplify life.” -(see  “Simplicity: The Next Big Thing“).

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.  Albert Einstein, (attributed) US (German-born) physicist (1879)

Obvious (unstated) problem: ‘How simple can we make it?’. (Un?)fortunately I was introduced to database design and the need to ‘normalize’ things that were to then be collected and searched for inference and new insight. Perhaps we could apply a modicum of those design constructs to our re-design efforts to simplify our thinking – improve results.

Paul Glen, author of the book “Leading Geeks: How to Manage and Lead People Who Deliver Technology” shares his expert insight this way in a post on TechRepublic  – “Monitor Project Progress with Micro-deliverables“.  He suggests four simple principles to normalize-formalize-manage the process.

“When you plan for micro-deliverables, each person on a project has responsibility for some physical product every few days…gauge the health of the project by checking whether the micro-deliverables are done or not (and)…there are a few simple rules to follow:

•Never let anyone go longer than a week without owing a micro-deliverable.
•Micro-deliverables are either done or not done… 100% complete, or they are 0%.
•Progress is not measured in effort, but…micro-deliverables-done on time or not.
•A micro-deliverable is the responsibility of only one person.

Using these simple rules, you can begin to identify project problems quickly and accurately avoiding the surprises that are otherwise all too common.”

Seems overwhelming when ‘experts’ ask us how we could ever “eat a whole elephant”. But what if bit-by-bit, WE each made incremental “change-it” contributions to that looming (“mother-of-all…”?) CRISIS?  And, what if those charged with solving our BIG problems took advantage of the insight – and the micro-resource that we can each become to them? What would happen if “WE the PEOPLE” were actually ACKNOWLEDGED by our representatives for our diverse KNOWLEDGE, our opinions actually considered, and our convergent consensus actually implemented?  What if those representatives were accountable for their  mico-deliverables (like LINE ITEMS) – unable to hide their responsibility for… irresponsible legislation ‘PACKAGES’.  What if WE each took personal responsibility, and then held each other accountable as well?  Suddenly our representation looks more equitable and perhaps the ‘elephant’ looks more ‘palatable’.   Not surprisingly, whether ‘expert’ or novice:

We probably won’t BELIEVE in ‘change’

– until we believe we actually SEE change.

If we all seek those type ‘answers’ – toward simplifying our lives (locale) and enjoying the developing ‘Relationship Economy’ (global) – then there must be ‘simple questions’ by which those ‘simple answers’ can of course be found.quest_mark Instead, we are often busy seeking ways to BE HEARD in more sound-bytes, promos, marketing, more photo-ops, Congressional ‘hearings’ – rather than LISTENING.

And if listening for the best answers is the better approach,  shouldn’t we be seeking the BEST ‘questions’ (like that one for instance)?

So far, it looks like a ‘SIMPLE SIX’ might work. Perhaps that’s still too complicated – but then that’s the ‘final’ question? – Or Is It..?

Want real cooperation, progress, CHANGE ? – Dare to ASK4™ it…?

What’s about YOU?

– care to comment?

– dare to COOPERATE?

NOTE: While this website is my personal initiative, the ASK4™ approach is a participant-managed collaboration platform and the U-Netted Nations™ is the result of our ‘Collaboration On Purpose’. My voice becomes one in a million – immediately.




Secede? (or Succeed!)

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Are We THERE Yet?

Are We THERE Yet?

Recent rhetoric proclaiming the promise of ‘change’ in leadership and direction and approach – and now even the ‘proof'(?) of initial ‘results’ of new alignments has renewed a familiar call for some to ‘pick up their marbles and leave’ (or even secede from) what they fear is merely change for the worse.  History records numerous examples of this type of emotional response – and discord (or eventual disconnect?).

Conflict resolution is always more difficult than running from the conflict.

That is why those who “differ” leave home at an early age, leave marriages, leave churches, leave companies, elect any politician who promises some ‘change’ in their country, or in disgust eventually elect to migrate to another one themselves.

How one goes about ‘facing’ the difficulty is also a challenge of its own, that can be fatal. Even the greatest ideals are not promised a favored place in history, and are predictably not popular (or politically correct) during their promotion as an antidote to the ‘present rule’.

So, having now been web-connected globally, CHANGE is the new challenge – 24/7/365. Our individual and collective success now depends on how well we ALL dynamically ADAPT to each other.

Because, just like running away from ‘fear’

– we can only arrive at its next stronghold.

So, this is just a reminder to me (- you?) that challenge is an open invitation for courage and real change – not just empty hope or “more-of-the-same” (or politics-as-usual in Chicago?).  And, it is a reminder that any massive change to mindlessly follow the ‘newest political correctness’ is a well-defined path to the tyrant’s rule (or prison, or worse?).

Nothing enables tyranny more than the absence of ‘Patriotism’.

Yet, even ‘Patriotism’ can also be a misplaced zeal if the global ‘war plans’ of our enemy are not well identified before we blindly launch headlong into the wrong regional ‘battle’ – or alternatively secede – right into the “enemy’s camp”.

So, the only real challenge/opportunity it seems is to “stand firm” and to find a workable solution (in place?).  Now in what has become a very connected world (place), that has to be EQUITABLE, dynamic, transparent, and scalable from personal to local to regional to global.

And we can learn from history (local-global)

– or risk repeating its worst disasters (local-global).

Fortunately, any public record from that history (like the holocaust, or even recent politician promise on any given website) that is attempted to be erased is retained by countless others to be recalled for reflection, comparison, and accountability (to be used to help its ‘forgetful’ author to ‘remember’ – or even to be ‘re-called’).

Given that new internet platform and our collaborated interdependence, I cast my vote for the good will and good sense of “We The People” – of this web-connected ‘U-Netted Nations’ and believe that all we need is an equitable approach that allows each of us to ASK4 just what we (all) really NEED(?) – and ‘unity’ could be one of those answers (sound familiar?).

We can enjoy those inalienable rights (again), chartered under that ONE God on whose principles this country was founded and who offers to us the same forgiveness we are called to also extend to others.

Meanwhile, we are forced to defend ourselves from those who rationalize murder of their religious ‘competitors’ (or U.S.) – and we must VOTE against those that would excuse-defend-support their ‘zealot’ actions.

THAT is the “CHANGE We All Can Believe In!”  (- except them?)

Want real cooperation, progress, CHANGE ? – Dare to ASK4™ it…?
NOTE: While this website is my personal initiative, the ASK4™ approach is a
participant-managed collaboration platform and the U-Netted Nations™ is the result of our ‘Collaboration On Purpose’. My voice becomes one in a million – immediately.




Written by gsbigger

February 22, 2009 at 4:10 pm

A Valentine for America

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The recent Presidential election reminded all of us (in the U.S.) of the common desire to succeed – as a nation. While the discourse continues on how that is to be done picture-5– one common tie binds us together:

We are ALL equal citizens and

are promised equal privileges

under one common

Bill of Rights.

Our forefathers framed this country to ensure that those inalienable rights, under God, were never again taken away (by non-religious or even religious zealots) – or buried with the last champion who fought against such tyranny. These truths ALONE have sustained us when other hopes were faltering. Even now as politicians (formerly known as statesmen) wrestle with the latest crisis (that they also helped to create)


are the answer!

There was meant to be no such thing as “government” over the people

– there were only to be chosen SERVANTS of the PEOPLE!

There is no such thing as ‘government bailout money’ –

– because THAT money WAS yours in the first place!

There is no crisis that doesn’t belong to ALL of us

– and EACH of us must respond(here)…

otherwise, whenever tyranny rules

none dare call it treason!

Until your passion for YOUR own self-preservation and the good of YOUR country exceeds whatever selfish interests are being siphoned away into loans YOU are making to your SERVANTS – THEY can and THEY may also water down your rights by placing themselves in a position of power OVER you!

Only our passion for freedom

can protect our freedom for passion

and each of ‘us’ – needs to be reborn

to that patriotism that can unite all of ‘US’.

If my passion is starting to show even a little more in these words it is certainly because of a song that now plays in my mind and rings in my ears, called –

BornAgain American

It was forwarded to me and I encourage you to make that same effort

– as your next stand for freedom.

Because if we each do nothing – someone will have to go to fight the battles that defend us. Then, as on this Valentines Day and many yet to come, the hearts that take prominence may be the medallions that represent those who put their heart and soul into service – and for some who gave even their life – for ME . Then the heartbreak will be borne again on the hearts of mothers across the heartland of this great country. purpleheartinhand

So on this Valentine’s Day I am compelled to openly express my undying gratitude for those who put it all on the line for me – perhaps somewhere in a country whose name I may not know.

I am compelled to rekindle that anxious ‘crush’ I once held for my country. I want to feel again the bravery that has led many a soldier to valor and ignited the adoration of those who loved them and yearned for their safe return. I am compelled to give my heart – not to a fantasy of just hope or blind patriotism, but to the true honor of honest, transparent, and accountable action.

So until the next legislative “bill” that comes from Washington represents the Bill of Rights being equitably applied to you and me – I pledge to sound the alarm that it may be just another ‘spin’ of words – or another ‘scam’ of OUR money. I don’t need another “half-empty box of chocolates” from Washington – and I’m not going to pass any around either – since I’m not running for anything…

but I won’t run from anything…

– if you will stand with me(?).

…and may we always share freedom on Valentines Day –

and our love – with those who have brought freedom to us!

God Bless America

My Home…Sweet Home!

What’s about YOU? – care to comment?

– dare to COOPERATE?

Want real cooperation, progress, CHANGE ? – Dare to ASK4™ it…?
NOTE: While this website is my personal initiative, the ASK4™ approach is a
participant-managed collaboration platform and the U-Netted Nations™ is the result of our ‘Collaboration On Purpose’. My voice becomes one in a million – immediately.




(Inter?)National Codependence

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While there are other sources –drowncellphone-a2d1

Wikipedia.org defines and describes it this way:

Codependence (or codependency) is a popular psychology concept popularized by Twelve-Step program advocates.[1][2] A “codependent” can be loosely defined as someone who exhibits too much, and often inappropriate, caring for persons who depend on him or her. A “codependent” is one side of a relationship between mutually needy people. The dependent, or obviously needy party(s) may have emotional, physical, financial difficulties, or addictions they seemingly are unable to surmount. The “codependent” party exhibits behavior which controls, makes excuses for, pities, and takes other actions to perpetuate the obviously needy party’s condition, because of their desire to be needed and fear of doing anything that would change the relationship.[citation needed]

A common usage of the term is that codependency occurs when enabling addiction, taking care of another person in a way that is not healthy in the long run to either that person or themselves, or both.[3] Codependency is loss of self for the codependent.[4]

The concept can also be understood as a set of maladaptive, compulsive behaviors learned by family members in order to survive in a family which is experiencing great emotional pain and stress caused, for example, by a family member’s alcoholism or other addiction, sexual or other abuse within the family, a family member’s chronic illness, or forces external to the family, such as poverty.[citation needed].”

Taken at a personal level – one who takes such an approach is doing more harm than good. Taken at a relationship level, each party harms the other. Taken at a community level, codependent group-think can cripple those who occupy that locale. Taken at a national or an international level, codependent action can insert useless interventions that create local disasters, and spread harm to others across the region.

Problem is that there is (so far) no such thing as a ‘global psychologist’ who can meet with its international clientele – all at once. That concept has been proposed, and tried, and has predictably failed – as the United Nations. A quick tour of the enacted and resisted and ignored resolutions bears testimony to the malfunctioning though well-intended effort and ineffectual results.

Problem is that there is no such thing as a ‘personal ambassador’ to represent our individual interests within the international or national or even local interests with any expectation of real equity. That concept has been proposed and enacted in governance and has degraded to mere politics where the representative exerts that transferred power to barter for power positions and personal gain. A quick tour of local town-hall meetings and party platforms and national legislation bears testimony to misrepresentation OF the people whose interests have been co-opted for collusion.

Problem is that there is no such thing as a victim if one chooses to become a victor – personally. Every twelve-step program echoes this premise and bears testimony to this enabling concept. Problem is that we have individually given up and then cast our hopes in those who claim to have greater insight, connections, positions, and other means of influence for our supposed good. Problem is that we have INDIVIDUALLY become codependent on our siblings, our parents, our politicians, our governments, our international organizations and even our global neighbors to look out for US (or U.S.).

Problem is that the impacts (of our personal codependence) aggregate and expand exponentially as codependence is also practiced in families and communities and governments – globally.

As we enter this new era of global interaction, we must at least consider a new means of interacting that reduces this well-intentioned and crippling tendency. If we do not, it can spread virally along our virtual interface and become symptomatic at every node and in every person who is touched by its consuming entanglements.

It will require us to take an active role (personally, corporately, politically) in our interaction activities (business, community, national, international). It will both require and enable us to become participants and beneficiaries of the approach.

It will thereby (and ONLY thereby) empower us to go from victims OF – to victors OVER – our position, our purpose, and our destiny.

Question is – what is that new approach(**).

Answer is – simply to ask the right questions.

(** – starting with THAT one)

Want real cooperation, progress, CHANGE ? – Dare to ASK4™ it…?

What’s about YOU? – care to comment?

– dare to COOPERATE?

NOTE: While this website is my personal initiative, the ASK4™ approach is a participant-managed collaboration platform and the U-Netted Nations™ is the result of our ‘Collaboration On Purpose’. My voice becomes one in a million – immediately.




Written by gsbigger

January 28, 2009 at 10:41 am

How RELEVANT is Context?

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That depends! Relevance is: pertinent, applicable, important, germane, appropriate, and significant. Context is: background, circumstance, environment, perspective, or framework. Already you may notice the tripl_liftdifference and again you may ask: so what?

These two co-dependent attributes bear heavily on our past, and our current, and our future life and lifestyles. Depending on what has already happened, we may have to adjust our framework or perspective to be more applicable or appropriate. Depending on what is happening, it may be significant or just a passing circumstance. Depending on what happens next, we may be empowered or severely impacted.

And now even most of the items we interact with and the environments that we interact within are sensing and sensitive to whatever we are doing, giving us and others real-time factual (data) and visual (video) feedback.

Whatever we do and whoever we do it with can become known by anyone else in less than one second. Our reality is now being echoed in the virtual dimensions of the web.

Our existence is being captured and cataloged, represented and researched, interpreted and evaluated in real time by a universe of collecting devices and assessment processes – and by ‘those’ people. We are ‘those people’ – both evaluating and being evaluated.

In this new virtual world, we are no longer just passive recipients of online information. We are now the active expositors and engaged participants, forced into a new type ‘global conversation’ and virtual interaction that demands a new approach.

It requires that we find a new common framework in which to collect our diverse perspectives and through which to derive an equitable consensus – each within the local context of our somewhat unique needs – while collectively maintaining the relevance of a global perspective.

Relevance has changed little – what was important to us still is. What has changed more is context. As we get together virtually, no one has established the framework for our new form of conversation – or the rules within that new teliris_virtualmtginteraction process. Memberships and attendance and locations and parliamentary procedures no longer dictate the house rules of our orderly conduct. Borders and nationality and treaties no longer establish preference or privilege across this expanded network. We are all one and the same virtual community in this new ‘flat earth society’ where transparency is the value behind its information currency – in an online (and off-line) relationship economy.

Your value to me and mine to you – now depends on how well we interact and support our mutual benefits… one-to-one-to-many. Diversity of opinion is expected, necessary, and must be equitably considered by all. And the system itself must require and then enforce this approach.

• Only a self-governance approach can now represent everyone.
• Only a self-correcting approach can adjust to the constant change.
• Only a self-policing system can prevent decisions that could deny us these intended results.

A simple way to ensure this is by formalizing a familiar way of thinking; and adopting it as our consistent way of collaborating – around the world. Rather than amend to exhaustive rules, we can engage a sequence of ubiquitous questions that dynamically:
• 1) capture our issues and
• 2) dissect our challenges and
• 3) extract our options – objectively.
Only transparency OF the participants can ensure that this system remains accountable TO them. To-date, not even the United Nations has a methodology to accomplish that. Tyranny is the unfortunate alternative.

Any anarchy that is identified becomes the immediate challenge to be resolved by all within this new framework. By merely agreeing to use this self-managing approach at each of our interactions, we can all then enjoy its shared benefits.

We all have needs and we all want solutions. We all need to be heard and we all want to be appreciated. That’s the reason that people join groups like MySpace, and post their presence on Facebook, and pontificate on their own blogs. By syndicating its structured approach across these diverse platforms, this uniform framework can convert unraveled ‘threaded’ discourse into ‘collaboration on purpose’ and change meaningless chat into meaningful conversations. No issue can occur that cannot be equitably addressed by the ASK4 process and resolved by our self-managed cooperation across its U-Netted Nations.

That suggests that it can be beneficial in personal relationships, business decisions, or international détente. These are the arenas in which we all participate.

• That is the universal CONTEXT in which this can become RELEVANT
– to each of us.

• It is perhaps also the way we can become RELEVANT to each other
– within this new CONTEXT.

Want real cooperation, progress, CHANGE ? – Dare to ASK4™ it…?

What’s about YOU? – care to comment?

– dare to COOPERATE?

NOTE: While this website is my personal initiative, the ASK4™ approach is a participant-managed collaboration platform and the U-Netted Nations™ is the result of our ‘Collaboration On Purpose’. My voice becomes one in a million – immediately.



THE ANSWERS you need

VOTER FRAUD (or Defrauded?)

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Which is it – fraudulent or defrauded – democratic or democracy, and what’s the difference?

Just because “everybody” says it or seems to believe it – doesn’t mean that ‘group think’ will best enforce democracy, let alone represent those whose motive may be democratically aligned with ‘the party’ line.

In fact the ‘party line’ is often a manufactured belief to which others are asked to conform or to align for the perceived ‘good of the group’. Certainly one cannot express any opposition since that can be ‘career limiting’ and castigation may soon follow. At first it is just ‘politically incorrect’ then unpopular, then tyranny when everyone else has been ‘won over’.

Turns out that opposition may be exactly how democracy can survive – by those who raise counterpoints, are not ‘swayed’ by crowd noise, and that at least stop the lemming run for a moment of sanity. Instead, many often rush to do the WRONG thing, in small and even large groups. This is made clear in their book “SWAY” – by authors Ori and Rom Brafman who note these interesting observations on human nature, explaining why teams, companies, Congress, or even nations may not be democratic by nature.

Perhaps that explains why many seemingly intelligent folks democratically agreed to act in a way that created the crisis which some others saw coming. Perhaps since some are actually at fault, that explains why they want others to act quickly on some ‘bailout’ so that EVERYONE can then be seen as co-conspirators when THAT new solution becomes the next problem. Perhaps it explains why rather than ‘focusing ON’ the solution many are just ‘cussing AT’ each other. And perhaps it might help to have an explanation that even ‘Forrest Gump’ understands, as reported here:

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Mortgage Backed Securities are
…like boxes of chocolates.

“Key political figures” thought everyone was entitled to have some – even if they couldn’t afford them. So they funded some ‘nutty’ agency to organize community action groups and promote this giveaway idea. Lenders that refused to share their chocolates were noted as ‘politically incorrect’ and even more pressure was put on them – including some strong words from the Attorney General’s office.

To make the deal worse, some criminals on Wall Street stole a few chocolates from the boxes and “CHANGED” them for turds. Their criminal buddies at Standard & Poor rated these boxes AAA Investment Grade chocolates. These boxes were then sold all over the world to investors. The stolen chocolates were given to “key political figures” as ‘protection money’ so these criminals could continue unnoticed. Eventually somebody bites into a turd and discovers the crime.

Suddenly nobody trusts the American chocolates anymore. Chocolate values are starting to ‘stink’ everywhere – globally. Hank Paulson steps in and wants the American taxpayers to buy up and hold all these boxes of turd-infested chocolates for $700 billion dollars until the American market for chocolate returns to normal or all the turds can be found. Some other politicians are not sure about this but approved it because something sure needs to be done, and quick. The world’s key financial leaders all wonder what to do and why this was happening.

Meanwhile, the Wall Street criminals who stole all the good chocolates quit the business taking even more stolen chocolates with them. They aren’t being investigated, arrested, or indicted because the same “key political figures” are still in charge – and promising even greater ‘CHANGE’ – soon. And, they claim that the real problem is that they weren’t being regulated well enough to prevent this crime – and that we ALL need to share any blame.

Some in the press are accusing those who smell something of having a rotten attitude because they have their heads up their buts – even accusing them of being against sharing candy of any kind. They say that we’re too dumb to understand these complicated issues…

But Mama always said: ‘Turds can look just like chocolate, Forrest’.

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So if you find yourself frustrated by recent events and your inability to explain it to your colleagues or Congressmen, remember:

For those who understand,
no explanation is needed.

For those who do not understand,
no explanation is possible.

And when you get that most precious opportunity to vote, remember:

  • It is not whether you vote with the majority that may really count
  • You might be voting with the ‘majority of folks who are wrong…’ or those whose intentions are purely selfish and might entice you to

…democratically vote away your rights to have a democracy.

In DEMOCRACY – it’s your vote that counts,

in Feudalism – it’s your Count that VOTES.

…and that’s all there is to say about that…!


How can we establish and maintain individual freedom – ASK for it

Where can we go to find existing solutions or create new ones – ASK for it

It’s not that difficult – isn’t it about time to:

Question Prior Answers – it’s Liberating!

Answer Current Questions – it’s Empowering!

Create Future Solutions – it’s Fulfilling!

Share these Benefits – it’s SUSTAINABLE!

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What’s about YOU? – care to comment?

– dare to COOPERATE?

NOTE: While this website is my personal initiative, the ASK4™ approach is a participant-managed collaboration platform and the U-Netted Nations™ is the result of our ‘Collaboration On Purpose’. My voice becomes one in a million – immediately.

CHANGE (Who Cares?)

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As they say “..those that can’t remember history are doomed to repeat it.”

That’s a good warning for third-world nations and developing democracies.

New democracies tend only to survive for a limited period anyway.

But what difference does that change make…

Who cares if democracy thrives – somewhere, around the world ?

Who cares if citizens overlook history only to repeat it to their own demise?

Who cares if their statesmen succumb to merely personal gain and politics?

Who cares if politicians use political correctness to spin truth, gain status?

Who cares if leaders take their country into shambles and citizens into panic?

Who cares if in panic, citizens cast their fate into the hands of those traitors?

Who cares if that happens in developing democracies or third-world nations?

Certainly not those in developed countries, who don’t recognize it – at home.

Certainly not those who aren’t clear on what has ‘changed’, or still might!

CHANGE doesn’t have to be beneficial – but benefits can come from REFORM.

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The answer to the current financial crisis – or any other local or global crisis is ‘transparency’. That starts with the press and culminates in legislation. Even within the process of legislation, those who are elected may mis-represent the voters.

In DEMOCRACY – it’s your vote that counts,
in Feudalism – it’s your Count that VOTES.

Until and unless each facet of every vote they cast is actually “counted” (line-item voting), they can not be easily held ‘accountable’ (for ‘packaged’ rubbish). That’s why how ‘we’ vote and then how ‘they vote for us’ COUNTS.

And dare we complain or express our dissent?

Do we even get a voice in our own destiny?

Whether we can maintain freedom of the press will influence whether we maintain free democracy. If either is ‘crooked’, one cannot express any opposition since that can be seen as ‘abusive, obscene, threatening, libelous or defamatory’ and castigated or denied by those so ‘offended’. At first it is just ‘politically incorrect’ then Unpopular, then TYRANNY when everyone else (including the press) has been ‘won over’ to ‘one side‘.

So it is vitally important that when you get that

most precious opportunity to vote, remember:

o It is not whether you vote with the majority that may really count
o You might be voting for or with the ‘majority of folks who are wrong…’
or those whose intentions are purely selfish and might entice you to
…democratically vote away your rights to have a democracy.

Without democracy – even your voice will be silenced…
– first by political ‘popularity’

– then by the pressure of the ‘press’

– then by the power of THEIR ‘governance’ !

In some cases that may already be true…


How can we establish and maintain individual freedom – ASK for it

Where can we go to find existing solutions or create new ones – ASK for it

It’s not that difficult – isn’t it about time to:

Question Prior Answers – it’s Liberating!

Answer Current Questions – it’s Empowering!

Create Future Solutions – it’s Fulfilling!

Share these Benefits – it’s SUSTAINABLE!

Bookmark and Share

What’s about YOU? – care to comment?

– dare to COOPERATE?

NOTE: While this website is my personal initiative, the ASK4™ approach is a participant-managed collaboration platform and the U-Netted Nations™ is the result of our ‘Collaboration On Purpose’. My voice becomes one in a million – immediately.